Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business - IT Processes and Coffee Vending Machine Function - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Business ,IT Processes and Coffee Vending Machine Function. Answer: Business and IT Goals The test scenarios that have been provided for the coffee vending machine focus on the various functional and non-functional aspects that are associated with it. The functionalities include the features of the machines in terms of the options and choices. The testing scenarios have been designed in order to ensure and validate that the machine functions correctly to offer best quality service to the customers (Henderson, 2004). The same applies to any of the business as it is important for the business processes to function in such a manner that the quality of services is maintained all throughout (Mallery, 2011). Apart from the functional aspects and requirements, there are various non-functional aspects and system qualities that are aimed to be fulfilled by the business and IT processes in terms of availability, reliability, performance, usability and likewise (Mohapatra and Patnaik, 2011). The same can be seen the test scenarios that have been listed for the coffee vending machine. It is necessary for a machine like this or a business or an IT process to be designed and implemented in such a manner that it offers the non-functional qualities as listed above. The continuity of the operations along with their validity is also extremely significant (Yang and Tamir, 2015). References Gulledge, T. (2002). Business process management: public sector implications. Business Process Management Journal, 8(4), pp.364-376. Henderson, L. (2004). Encoding and decoding communication competencies in project management ? an exploratory study. International Journal of Project Management, 22(6), pp.469-476. Mallery, M. (2011). Project Management Portal (PMP) from the University of Washington Information Technology Wiki - https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/pmportal/Project+Management+Portal. Technical Services Quarterly, 28(3), pp.365-367. Mohapatra, S. and Patnaik, A. (2011). Sustainability in HRIS implementation through effective project management. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 3(1), p.78. Seethamraju, R. (2012). Business process management: a missing link in business education. Business Process Management Journal, 18(3), pp.532-547. Yang, Y. and Tamir, G. (2015). Offshore software project management: mapping project success factors. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 7(2), p.111.

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