Thursday, November 28, 2019

Benefits of the internet

Benefits of the internet Internet is needed in our day-to-day lives. Globally, the use of internet has become very popular especially in this modern century, where the technology has advanced in all aspects. It is even hard to imagine living in a world without internet, Activities all over would be chaotic to an extent of even affecting the global economy (Barron 112).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Benefits of the internet specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is enough proof that the whole of humanity is directly related with the use of internet. According to several research done, it is evident that internet has both advantages and disadvantages. However, there are solutions to overcome the problems that may arise from the use of internet, or rather prevent those problems from occurring. Communication is one of the main benefits received from using internet services. People in the whole world enjoy convenience in communication, entertainment is brought nearer to them, and they can now access the latest news through the internet. Currently it the fastest means of passing information from one point to the other. Most of people prefer using emails to pass messages, as it is convenient and fast. One of the uniqueness of using internet to communicate is that, there are no barriers, as people can connect easily at any place and all the time (Berre 341). Businesses have something to celebrate about, because the executives make use of the internet to pass their information as quick as possible. In the well established companies, the top management initiates the use of teleconference through the use of webcams, to conduct meetings with other executives when discussing crucial issues. Through the use of teleconference, companies are in a position to save money and time. Through the use of the most recent website known as â€Å"face book,† social communication has become very popular. Most of people are using this website to keep in touch with their friends, as well as search for their old friends. For the people who lost contacts long time ago, a solution is now found through face book, as people can always reunite. People chat on the net, and feel being part of one another by viewing the profile of one another, where the current activities of every person are indicated (Meersman 65). A big percentage of people in the world have proved to be users of this website, an indication that the whole world has been brought together by net.Advertising Looking for research paper on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As a result of having so many users of this social website, employers are putting job adverts in it, where they can get the best candidate for their vacancies. This has helped so many job seekers to secure some form of employment, hence promoting the global economy. Once an advert is put on net, the company or the ind ividual responsible is so sure that, the information has reached the relevant people. Entertainment is another major benefit of using internet. By just clicking to access the services of internet, there are so many movies available in â€Å"you tube† websites, which can be used for entertainment (Meersman 76). All television and radio programs can also be watched and viewed through the net respectively. When employees are in the office doing their daily activities, they can on the other hand be listening to their favorite radio or television programs through their computer nets. There is no need of having radios and televisions in an office, as everything can be accessed through the net. All types of movies meant for entertainment can be watched anywhere, at any time, as long as one is connected with internet. The era when people could only watch movies through television is past, and people now are embracing this change with much happiness, as there are no limitations to ent ertainment. When at home, in office, or when traveling one can have entertainment as he or she wishes through the use of net. The use of internet in the banking sector has saved people the great agony of spending time in banking halls. Some years back, people could only access their money through visiting bank branches. In every banking hall, a long queue of clients waiting to be served was the issue every day. A client could spend much time on the queue waiting to be served (Berre 287). Nowadays, internet banking serves clients quickly through safe bank transactions. The biggest percentages of banking services are offered through internet banking such as withdrawals, deposits, bill payments, and transfers. Internet banking is also very convenient to the clients, as it offers the services throughout the 24 hours. Any time of the day or night, a client can receive the services he or she requires from the bank. International market has been greatly promoted by the use of internet. It is evident that, some people lack time to go shop for all the items they require. Most of people spend their daytime in offices, and evening hours are for them to have time with their families. Due to such challenges of having a tight schedule, most of people have turned to internet shopping, where one can buy everything he or she deserves through online.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Benefits of the internet specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Consumers prefer online shopping, as it saves much of their time and the prices are low compared to the actual prices at the stores. Business people have also found it relevant, as they display all their products and prices for their customers to have a wide range to choose from. Educational sector has a lot to enjoy from the use of internet. Learners have an opportunity of getting useful materials from the net. Almost every subject has some important materials that c an be found on the net. Educators also prepare some course outlines, and distribute them to students through online. Students globally, find a good place to conference and collaborate with one another, as they share their learning experiences (Barron 106). Whatever the students learn from class, they then find all the relevant materials to handle their assignments and to advance their grades. Through the use of electronic libraries, students all over the world have enjoyed the availability of educational materials. According to most of the research done, it is evident that some students are pursuing their bachelor or masters degrees through online programs offered by some higher institutions of learning. The education sector has advanced and developed a great deal, through the use internet. In conclusion, everyone is enjoying the services of internet all over the world. Through easier communication, any sector has benefited in one way or another. The distance that has been a challen ge to effective communication was eliminated by use of internet (Barron 115). An open opportunity was created to all people to communicate, watch, and get entertained together with their friends and families. Internet offers cheap and fastest communication compared to other means of communication. It is the most reliable way of one to keep in touch with friends and family. Barron, Ann. Technologies for education: a practical guide. New York: Libraries Unlimited, 2002.Advertising Looking for research paper on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Berre, Arne. Future Internet-FIS 2010: Third future internet symposium, Berlin,  Germany. Michigan: Springer, 2010. Meersman, Robert. On the move to meaningful internet systems. Benefits of  internet (2009): 50-95.

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