Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gender Asymmetry, Emotion Work and Its Role in Gender...

Gender Asymmetry, Emotion Work and Its Role in Gender Power Relations In this essay the following topics will be discussed, gender asymmetry, emotion work and what role this plays in gender power relations in the context of heterosexual couples. Duncombe and Marsden in 1993 use local survey evidence to illustrate the gender difference or asymmetry in intimate emotional behaviour. It is a commonly known belief that in the first stages of a relationship, it is passionate, loving, full of thought for each other and romantic, however Mansfield and Collard (1988: 223) suggest that after the so called honeymoon period, Couples seek incompatible emotional goals in marriage most (though not†¦show more content†¦the wives claimed they needed to be talked to in a loving and gentle way to enjoy sex and said that sex didnt make them feel warm and secure, Id rather he gave me a cuddle that makes me feel warm and secure - I tell him I love him and he doesnt tell me. However, the husbands talk of love in the context of sex or resisted romantic expression altogether. As Giddens suggests from Sharon Thompsons investigation in the late 1980s - one of the major differences of girls and boys discussion about sex was the boys talked about sex as a conquest whereas, the girls attached sex to love, involving feelings and hopes. This difference of opinion about sex is apparent even in young adults even before marriage had arisen. A study by Brannen and Moss (1982:33-34 cited in Duncombe and Marsden) used a sample of 24 couples receiving marital counselling found that Major disagreements arose from women feeling they had not got a companionate marriage because of their husbands unwillingness or incapacity to disclose emotions. The authors then suggest that mens non-disclosure was a central and fervent part of their identity. Men may have always been like this as Thompson had suggested in her investigation that men spoke differently about intimate affairs, so does intimacy exist for men in an entirely different way to womens intimacy? IfShow MoreRelated Gender Essay2202 Words   |  9 Pagesexercises authority diligently; she’s power mad. He’s closemouthed; she’s secretive. He climbed the ladder of success; she slept her way to the top. From the first moment a child begins to understand the spoken word, they begin to receive messages about societies view of the different sexes. Language itself can not be deemed good or bad, but it does reflect individual or societal values. The above example displays the way in which language can be used to stereotype gender. Both sexes in the example areRead MoreThe Bluest Eye And Alison Bechdel s Fun Home Essay2269 Words   |  10 Pagesdefine gender with the understanding that masculinity is a gendered hegemony. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Student Learning Outcomes Into My Writing - 3418 Words

Table of Contents: †¢ Introduction to Portfolio †¢ Part A: Argumentative Reflection Essay †¢ Part B: Cover letter: Major Revision - Major Revision †¢ Part C: Cover letter: Major Revision - Major Revision In this class, I have learned that we are able to achieve any goal we want, if we give it the time and effort. It does not matter how much we have to write or how many assignments we are asked to do. If we work step by step and plan ahead, we will success in achieving our goal. Throughout this portfolio I will discuss how these assignments have helped me to incorporate various aspects of Student Learning Outcomes into my writing, and how I have revised the two of the major writing assignments. Part A: Discussion of Student Learning†¦show more content†¦The course has facilitated the comprehension of various Student Learning Outcomes majorly Student Learning Outcome A, B, C, D and F. Student Learning Outcome A: The Student Learning Outcome A focuses on the practice of analyzing, composing and reflecting on pieces of writings and applying them to suite rhetorical situations. Through studying the course, I have gained these crucial skills that have led to significant improvement in the quality of writing created. One of the things that I have been able to particularly improve on was on accurate identification of the target audience. Accurate target identification has been enhanced by the various assignments that I have done throughout the English 110 course. Major Writing Assignment 1 has enabled me to reflect and analyze in order to come up with effective writing. The main objective of understanding the target audience is to facilitate the effective passing on of the intended information in a clear and brief manner. The importance of this learning outcome extends from just writing to speaking as well as I am now better placed to understand my target audience, analyze and reflect on the best way possible to pass on the intended massage. Student Learning Outcome B: This learning outcome is concerned with the viewing of writing as a social act focusing on the role of discourse communities at different levels such as local, national and

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Case Study of AnswerDash Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Cast Study of AnswerDash. Answer: Introduction The simplest formula to measure customer lifetime value is to consider the average order total multiplied by the average number of purchases in a year multiplied by the average retention time in years, which will be providing the average lifetime customer value depending on the current data. This information will be utilised with data from specific segments for improving improved retention of target as well as efforts regarding promotion. It will be providing a point of data as well in respect of use in times of segmenting the customers. The companies that will be targeted in this respect are the e-commerce companies, which will be having the requirement of ensuring new customers. The pricing model that will be followed is value based pricing. Assessment of the companys current go-to-market approach Customer Selection The team of management did the evaluation of three alternatives in respect of the selection of customers that are mentioned as under, Lower Cost of Acquisition, which will be reducing the number of stakeholders that are having an involvement in the decision Moving Upstream, which will be focusing on the sale to enterprises Going vertical, which will be targeting particular type of customers or industries (Schaat 2015) Pricing In respect of the preliminary customers, there occurred high customization related to pricing. By mid-2013, there was the creation of 3 tiers, whose initial pricing was at $99/mo., $399/mo., as well as $1499/mo. Communication The initial pitching was being made regarding the product regarding an effort for documenting the performance of the product as well as beneficial aspects in respect of attracting new customers, in which the team of management sought feedback from the existing customers they could take reference from (Schaat 2015). Sales efforts The current structure for pricing was considered being profitable when there would occur the reduction in the number of friction points in the sales funnel, which will as a result do the reduction in the customer acquisition in regard to time as well as costs. It was also being considered that when salespeople will be communicating in an effective manner for valuing larger customers, there would be the scope to adjust pricing ascendant (Pappas 2016). Measures regarding customer lifetime value Customer lifetime value is considered to be the overall percentage of money that will be spent by a customer from acquiring till the end of a business relationship. The use of the metric regarding customer lifetime values is done in respect of different marketing as well as analytical reasons. The simplest formula to measure customer lifetime value is to consider the average order total multiplied by the average number of purchases in a year multiplied by the average retention time in years, which will be providing the average lifetime customer value depending on the current data. This information will be utilised with data from specific segments for improving improved retention of target as well as efforts regarding promotion. It will be providing a point of data as well in respect of use in times of segmenting the customers (Levin 2017). Calculating the economic value of product delivery for an ecommerce vs. a software as service Numerous intricate customer lifetime value formulas will be deducting acquisition as well as cost of marketing from the final total. There will occur the calculation of the cost of acquisition by dividing all expenses in relation to the aspect of acquiring by the number of new customers that has been achieved in similar period of time. It is effective to deduct the cost of acquisition to plan the strategies for acquisition as well as to do the measurement of various campaigns success (Ryan 2016). In respect of software as service, there occurs the combination of predictive customer modelling as well as better multi-channel campaign automation technological aspects that assist businesses in maximizing their consumer loyalty, retention as well as lifetime value (Levin 2017). Three primary options that is being contemplated The three primary options that the company is contemplating are Lower Cost of Acquisition, which will be reducing the number of stakeholders that are having an involvement in the decision, Moving Upstream, which will be focusing on the sale to enterprises and Going vertical, which will be targeting particular type of customers or industries (Kleinaltenkamp 2015). The option that is being recommended in this context, is the option regarding Going vertical, which will be targeting particular type of customers or industries. This is because, the organizational team will be focusing on e-commerce organizations with a message to do the reduction of cart desertion, or to focus on SaaS organizations having a message to the reduction of customer assistance tickets (Hollensen 2015). SaaS organizations require serving in a more efficient as well as effective way for the present customers with the answers regarding the ways by which software will get used, and while e-commerce organizations require ensuring new consumers (Hintze 2014). Developing a marketing strategy and plan The companies that will be targeted in this respect are the e-commerce companies, which will be having the requirement of ensuring new customers. The pricing model that will be followed is value based pricing. The current structure for pricing was considered being profitable when there would occur the reduction in the number of friction points in the sales funnel, which will as a result do the reduction in the customer acquisition in regard to time as well as costs. It was also being considered that when salespeople will be communicating in an effective manner for valuing larger customers, there would be the scope to adjust pricing ascendant (Hallback 2013). Conclusion In this assignment, The three primary options that the company is contemplating are Lower Cost of Acquisition, which will be reducing the number of stakeholders that are having an involvement in the decision, Moving Upstream, which will be focusing on the sale to enterprises and Going vertical, which will be targeting particular type of customers or industries. In respect of software as service, there occurs the combination of predictive customer modelling as well as better multi-channel campaign automation technological aspects that assist businesses in maximizing their consumer loyalty, retention as well as lifetime value. Reference Hallbck, J. and Gabrielsson, P., 2013. Entrepreneurial marketing strategies during the growth of international new ventures originating in small and open economies.International Business Review,22(6), pp.1008-1020. Hintze, S. and Lthje, C., 2014. The evaluation of Value Chain Marketing strategies: an agent-based approach. InSimulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks(pp. 47-72). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Hollensen, S., 2015.Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Kleinaltenkamp, M., Plinke, W., Wilkinson, I. and Geiger, I., 2015.Fundamentals of Business-to-business Marketing. Springer. Levin, R.P., 2017. Commentary: Online Reviews and Other Digital Marketing Strategies.Journal of Periodontology,88(2), pp.135-136. Pappas, N., 2016. Marketing strategies, perceived risks, and consumer trust in online buying behaviour.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,29, pp.92-103. Ryan, D., 2016.Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers. Schaat, S., Miladinovi?, A., Wilker, S., Kollmann, S., Dickert, S., Geveze, E. and Gruber, V., 2015, September. Emotion in consumer simulations for the development and testing of recommendations for marketing strategies. InProceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems 2015(pp. 25-32). ACM.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Legal Aspects of Australian Company Wholesale Corporation

Question: Write about theLegal Aspects of Australian Companyfor Wholesale Corporation. Answer: Details about Costco Wholesale Corporation Description about a multinational company Costco Wholesale Corporation is given. The company operates the international chain. The company was found in 1983 in Seattle, Washington. From Delaware to Washington, the company was re-incorporated on 30 August 1999. The industry of Costco operates with confectionaries, organic foods, groceries, automatic supplies, appliances, hardware, toys, tyres, sporting goods, cameras, watches, jewelleries, health and beauty aids, house wares, books, furniture, tobacco, office equipments and many other products. Top quality regional and national brands are available in Costco where retail outlets available. Under one roof all the products are available in Costco which is a warehouse. Low overhead operation is enabled in this business (Du Plessis, 2010). The Kirkland Signature products are operated in the market of Costco. Costco is a foreign own private limited. The company is in Australia and it is U.S based Wholesale Corporation. In Australia headqua rter of Costco in New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland and Victoria. Globally the headquarters of Costco is in Washington, Issaquah and United States. The area served by the operation of these industries is Canada, United States, South Korea, United Kingdom, Mexico, Taiwan, Spain and Australia. Globally the number of staffs in Costco is 189,000who work in full time and part time basis (Mallin, 2011). There are 225 part time and full time employees in Costco in Australia. About 2,355 people are linked with the operation of the wholesale market in the company. There are eight sites of the company in Australia: Victoria, New South Wales, ACT and Queensland. Regulatory Framework of the company There are employment laws, GMO regulations and Tax reforms which are needed to be maintained as these are the regulatory rules of the company. The trade agreement is made by Costco with American whole sale market before forming any contracts. Certain tax laws has been made by the company where it is described that there will be mark-ups for the selling goods like gasoline, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Compliance of charges of higher price affected the retailers because of such laws (Minahan, 2012). The policy is made for the benefit of the company. This policy implies that the price has kept lower than the manufacturer than the retail price. For the retail of the price more tax is applied on the manufacturers and the consumers of the market. There should be minimum mark-ups on the selling price but for selling gasoline, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, the cost price has been decreased which is less than the mark price (Dawkins, 2012). This gave low profit to the company and the business of Costco which is the reason that loss had to be faced by the company. In such case the consumers are in profit but the company is in loss because the manufacturers are also running loss who does not want to sell the product in minimum price as the cost price is less than the marked price. Under the state and federal legislation, the enactment of the legislation has been made through which the impact on the company is noticed. Agreement, Treaties and Conventions Impact on the Service of theProducts A treaty was made on Omega v. Costco on first sale doctrine. According section 602(a), of Copyright Act a treaty was made between omega and Costco. On 25th May in the meeting at the headquarter of Geneva World Intellectual Property Organization is formed which is based on the treaty of Standing Committee on Copyright and related Rights (SCCR) that in the eighteenth session minimum flexibilities has been made where market bases solutions are discussed about the sale plan (Waterhouse, 2010). The non profit acceptance has been described in the company. On that treaty a convention is formed known as Berne Convention. As per Article 4 of Copyrights Act, the affect on the electronic appliance are found in Costco. Later the claim has been given by the government that infringed goods are sold in the market of Costco with high market price. In that treaty and convention plan the quality of the products have made signature which is later changed in the proper market value of the product (Calbo li, 2013). According to Fair work act 2009 Costco Wholesale Enterprise of Australia made an agreement on 25th January 2017 and the agreement based on the single enterprise agreement. In the agreement it was described that under section 183 (3) of fair work act, the employees in the company should do their work fairly and the extra income will be provided by the company. There were statutory laws described in the agreement which is needed to be followed by the employees of the company (Worth, 2015). The time period of the act is seven days. In the agreement the term is needed to be discussed that the products in the market should keep a minimum marked priced through which the coordination of the company can be followed properly. The quality of the product of Costco is god but it has high market values through which the market plans are needed to be maintained. All the treaties and agreements has discussed that because of the sales value in the market the customer are afraid to buy products from the wholesale market of Costco but if at the same time quality rate is discussed than it can be said that it provide high quality market value on the products (Whish, 2015). It is necessary that price and the market value should be maintained but on the basis of the sales value. After the entire analysis it has found that as the traditional market of the sales are found than it is analysed that the sales of goods are perfect in the organization. The product review is best. It is one of the second largest company globally which stands on the basis of the marketing value. The framework of the company shows that inflation of the company really occurs which is the reason that various aspects causes problem in the company and the employees are also affected by that (Barnes, 2010). References Barnes, A., Lafferty, G. (2010). The Fair Work Act: as good as it gets?.The Economic and Labour Relations Review,21(1), 1-12. Calboli, I. (2013). Corporate Strategies, First Sale Rules, and Copyright Misuse: Waiting for Answers from Kirstaeng v. Wiley and Omega v. Costco (II). Dawkins, C. E. (2012). Labored relations: Corporate citizenship, labor unions, and freedom of association.Business Ethics Quarterly,22(03), 473-500. Du Plessis, J. J., Hargovan, A., Bagaric, M. (2010).Principles of contemporary corporate governance. Cambridge University Press. Mallin, C. A. (Ed.). (2011).Handbook on international corporate governance: country analyses. Edward Elgar Publishing. Minahan, S. M., Huddleston, P., Bianchi, C. (2012). Costco and the Aussie Shopper: a case study of the market entry of an international retailer.The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research,22(5), 507-527. Waterhouse, J., Colley, L. (2010). The Work-Life Provisions of the Fair Work Act: A Compromise of Stakeholder Preference.Australian Bulletin of Labour,36(2), 154. Whish, R., Bailey, D. (2015).Competition law. Oxford University Press, USA.